Mon 27 Jan
Sexy Mixed Goddess !! I Aim To Please && My Aim Is Perfect! Available NOW! Dont Miss Out💋💋💋💋 - 23
(Tucson, Incall)
SEXy HOT Blond here To treat you right !! NO REGRETS available 24hrs 520 704 3768 - 27
(Tucson, will travel)
AVAILABLE UNTIL. NOON.... (( sExY bLuE eYeD bRuNeTTe )) ** (( aLwAyS rEaDy TO PLAY )) ** - 24
//Ready To Have A Night To Remember\\ Be with 1 or 2 SEXY Sinfully HOT GIRLS 520-704-3768 ! - 27
(Tucson, will travel)
~ ~RED * HOT * SpeCiAL* CALL Now * LiMiTeD AvaILAbLe ~ ~ - 40
(Tucson, North east side/ Out calls all over town)
💜💯%Re@L💋💯Půŕę pleasure 💋§ęX¥ Petite ρℓαγℳα†Ɛ Specials! ₩äįTıÑG 4 ¥🎯U - 22
(Tucson, tucson all of tucson. Incalls and out)
Pretty Girl for you. ;) Satisfaction is here 150% 24 hours a day % 520-230-1060 - 27
(Tucson, everywhere OUT calls only)
*£ *£* *£*£!____ SExy ____ SultRy ___ EXotiC ____ GODdesS ___ @ Ur sErviCe!!-*£ *£*£ *£*£ - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, Tolleson/Phoenix)
💋Petite💋 Beautiful💋 Exotic💋💋 Ready Now👉 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, In/Out Calls 24/7, Phoenix, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
☆ SeXy ☆ As ☆ CaN ☆ Be ☆ [*All AMERiCAN BEAUTY*] JuSt ViSiTinG WKND ONLY! = ) - 22
(Tucson, Freeway and Ina Rd In & Outcalls Avail)
**SaShA ReDD not here for long , No Rush Service 24 hrs YoU wIlL lOvE mE ** - 22
(Tucson, south side of tucson incall and out call)
__ REAL GIRL __ N _ O __ R _ U _ S _ H __ __190__ H _O_U_ R _ - 20
(Polo Verde & FrWy INN&OUT; All Tucson)
Rare Beauty with Bedroom Eyes-Elegant, Classy, Aims to Please-North Tucson - 29
(Northern Tucson-Outcall)
👑🌹Pretty SUBMISSIVE Queen 👑🌹 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, Flagstaff, Phoenix, Phx North, Tucson, Yuma)
:) PLayFuL BLonD3 *4* A FuN TiM3!! :) INNcall = :[*EARLY BIRD* WED 8/8!] or Outcall!O_O - 30
(Tucson, TUCSON **22nd @ I10** Downtown)
Satifaction! come have a taste.... - 24
(Flagstaff, IN/OUT, Phoenix, Sierra Vista, Tucson, West Valley, Yuma)
* * * ( ( ( S E X Y ) ) )_ _* _ _( ( ( B L O N D E ) ) ) _ _* _ _ ( ( ( B O M B S H E L L ) ) ) * - 19
Porn🌟Experience Don't Miss Out In PHOENIX NOW ➡️Introducing Amateur Porn🌟 👑PRiNCESS - 19
(Phoenix, Phoenix North Off Peoria; Incall/Outcall, Phx North)
☆◾◾☆◾◾☆◾◾☆◾◾ PAYTON GOOD available till 9/10 ◾◾☆◾◾☆◾◾☆◾◾☆ - 30
(Near Davis Monthan●Tucson●PRIVATE●INCAL, Tucson)
OUTCALLS HOTTIE 150 45MIN 🔥BustY🍭🎀 PLAYFuL 🍭 & 💕 G O R G E O U S 🍭👅🎀 - 22
(Central tuscan in/out off speedway, Tucson)
One hot mama ready to give tantric massage 24 hours 5220-731-1961 - 29
(Tucson, tucson and all over)
((( PLEASURE PURE ))) ____ 70 ONLY NEW IN TOWN *** LATINA Nympho GODDESS $70 ____ (Friendly) - 18
(tucson in/out)
❤❤❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤❤ PAYTON good LAST WEEK!!! make ur APPOINTMENT now!! ❤❤❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤❤ - 30
(Near Davis Monthan●Tucson●PRIVATE●INCAL, Tucson)
:-# ORD3R THIS FR3SH FLOW3R!!:-# ^_~ Available Monday Nite 8/27 & Tuesday 8/28 -4- IN or OUT! ^_~ - 29
(Tucson, #Airport Area **Tucson & Valencia**)
💋*RARE, ExOtiC, MiXEd beauty;CiARA*💋Specials!(; AVAILABLE NOW - 21
(Tucson, NW Tucson/Downtown INCalls&Outcalls;)
OUT and IN TODAY ONLY !!!!100 for 30mins . Hot and ready for you !!!!! - 25
(Craycroft area, Tucson)
*¨¨*- :¦:-* PRETTIEST *-: ¦ :-*¨¨*. EXOTIC*-: ¦ :-*¨¨* BEAUTY.*¨¨*- :¦:-* - - 24
(incall .broadway)
☆$PECIAL$☆!! 💋💋Beautiful Brunette 👑👑Girl next door - 31
(Central/South Phoenix, Incall-Paradise Valley ~Bell rd~ Tatum, Phoenix)