Mon 27 Jan
Tis the season to be Jolly!!! Have you been naughty or nice?? Let me decide -- not Santa. - 29
(Nicki St Philips)
THE BEST. )) BiG @ZZ )) 520 870 5197 *My ___BiG OL' BOOTY___ is Infamous, COME find out WHY - 20
Tall curvy blue eyed bombshell tight hot and ready let me take u to extacy *520*999*8422 - 25
(¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯) ( T H E _ R= O= Y= A=L _ T= R= E= A= T= M= E= N= T ) (¯`'·¸♔ ¸.·'´¯) - 24
(Tucson, South Craycroft/24th street)
SWEET👅💦🍭 & SEXY🍓💋☺️Petite Perfect Compainship💕✨💕✨💕✨ 100 Specials - 25
(Phx North, i17 &thunderbird;)
Sweet & SpiiCy experience 👄 you won't regret it.. I'm looking to occupy your precious time.. - 27
====== SUPER PETITE SEXY LITTLE PRETTY Face with an Hour Glass Figure==== - 28
(Tucson, outcall tuscon)
SuPer💣 HoT 💣💣💣 Blonde 💣💣💣 Bombshell 💣💣💣💣JusT a ☎☎☎ Away!! - 24
(East Valley, Tempe incalls and outcalls)
The girl next door you always wanted Available 24/7 Call 928-235-5611 - 27
(Tucson, Tucson and everywhere)
SuGaR_____N '_____ sPiCe_____ & _____ EvErYtHiNg _____NaUgHtY!!! Call 2 ReSeRvE uR tImE - 30
(Tucson,AZ Outcall)
The Girl Mom Warned You About.... Is All Grown Up Now! - 19
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, In your arms ;))
{ { T H E * B E A U T I F U L * E X O T I C * G I R L * N E X T * D O O R } } - 18
(Tucson, Tucson incalls & outcalls)
sweet lil holly is back in town ** 200$ ** **REAL & READY ** ** CALL ME ** ** - 36
(Tucson, north tucson)
(SuPr Sx¥) ♥ TUCSONS Sexiest PLAYMATE ♥ DoN't Mi§§ tHi§ ♥ - 19
(Tucson, Tucson - My Place Or Yours!!)
SWEET👅💦🍭 & SEXY🍓💋☺️Petite Perfect Compainship💕✨💕✨💕✨ GrEaT sPeCiAlS - 25
(Tucson, speedway and campbell)
▃(( ♥SUPER HOT♥ )):▃:(( ♥BUSTY!♥ )):▃:(( ♥BLoNDE! ♥ )):▃:(( ♥PLAYMATE♥ )) CALL NOW - 23
*Super Sexy Sweet Blonde Bombshell* LAST NIGHT IN TOWN! 90$ Special! * Heather!* NO RUSHING! - 26
(Tucson, Your Place Or Mine Downtown)
.•*""*•. Super Freak !!! .•*""*•. Creamy Slimy Lotus Flower! .•*""*•.100 Rose Specialz !!.•*""*•. - 19
(Tucson, Call for info)
[[STUNNiNG]] ★ [[EXOTIC Mix]] ★ [[ PLAYMATE ]] 100%REAL PiCS Gents #1 Choice - 21
(Tucson, Incall only available 24/7)
Stay warm with the hot and sweetest blond specials all nite o/c 520-460-9822 - 28
(Tucson, will travel)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, everywhere)
......*TER * UPSCALE * gorgeous. intelligent. mistress of sensation. * UPSCALE * ......... - 27
(downtown, Tucson)
THE BEST. )) BiG @ZZ )) 520 870 5197 *My ___BiG OL' BOOTY___ is Infamous, COME find out WHY - 22
Sweet young girl yo hablo espanol 602-926-1755 always answering (ccards ok) - 27
(Tucson, In and out call)