Mon 27 Jan
(( ★ *SiMPLy AMAZiNG* ★ )) BLONdE (( ★ HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★)) 100 specials - 23
(Phx North, 7th st and greenway)
SEXY EXOTIC COLLEGE STUDENT!!! BiG BOoTY;)*** im WAITING on U*** 1oo incall spec - 22
(Tucson, incall;) freeway..I 10...outcall)
Sexy petite exotic goddess are you ready to be treated like a king! Ask about great specials - 21
(Tucson, Central)
Sexy SASHA Here For For Only 4 More Hours So Come And Experience Some Great Mouth Specials~ $60 - 21
(Tucson, I-10 and Ina)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ SpEciALs .... Caramel Fugde Sundae TaSte My Lil Cherri @@@@@@@@@@@@ Speedway - 19
(Tucson/Off E. Speedway)
Sexy~ young ~Wild~ Gorgeous Native American ready to blo your mind!!!! - 21
(Tucson, east in/outcall)
💞SexySaSha💞 TEXT NOW For The HOTTEST☀️ Summer SpecialS❗️ - 34
(Tucson, northwest foothills /oro valley)
___ °°° SpeCiALs __ °°° ___ SpECiaLs °°° sPeciAlS }} {{ °°° {{ }} - - 21
(Tucson, right off I10)
💖 SExY~ SASHA~ 💖💋100% REAL PIC'S💋 WeeKdAY SpECIaL 100 💋 - 30
(Tucson, [EastSide] Golflinks past Kolb)
sexy blonde petite lil freak always ready, cl€@N fun... avail now pics real & recent 120/180 - 19
(Tucson, east tucson/craycroft)
💋Petite💋 Beautiful💋 Exotic💋💋 Ready Now👉 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, In/Out Calls 24/7, Phoenix, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★R ☆ E ★ A ☆ L ★▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇★= S ☆ E ★ X ☆ Y ★▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★ L ☆ A ★ D ☆ Y ★ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇! - 22
★ • ★★ • ★ ★★ • ★ •PLATINUM BLONDE PLAYMATE ★ • B E A U T I F U L • ★ • ★★ • - 22
(Phx North, YOUR PLACE)
Satifaction! come have a taste.... - 24
(Flagstaff, IN/OUT, Phoenix, Sierra Vista, Tucson, West Valley, Yuma)
▅ ▆ █ ★ *PoW* ★———★ *PoW * ★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ • • • • ★SUPER KNoCKOut! EXoTiC 5 STAR V.I.P HONEY ★ • • - - - - 22
★*•°o☆ MaDiSoN ★*•°o☆ NeW To ToWn!! ★*•°o☆ BeAuTiFuL PeTiTE PlAyMaTe★*•°o☆ ReAdY NoW!! ★*•°o☆ - 25
(Tucson, Tucson near airport)
OUTCALLS!! AMAZING BODY 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 STUNNING 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Gorgeous BRUNETTE 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟100%Real 🔥🔥🔥 - 23
(Phx North, outcall only! Valley Wide)
❎❌❎❌❎❌❎❌❎❌❎ PAYTON GOOD new pictures!!! available all week DONT MISS 150HH special!! ❎❌❎❌❎❌❎❌❎❌❎ - 30
(Tucson, Tucson pvt● golflinks ●❤● by the boat)
One of a kind: Local, Fit, SEXY, Beautiful, Sensual, Fun, Sweet, low-volume, & LOVES to please! - 26
(Tucson, East Grant or your place)
*Passionate* Playful* LightSkinned* Thick* Beautiful * will do all she wont do...* - 22
(Tucson, I10 and congress)
⭐💯% P* Ę*R* f*Ë* Ç*T*ï* Ø*Ń ⭐QUALitY 👆QUANitY! 5am to 400pm SPECiAlS!!! - 24
(Tucson, st marys 110 freeway)
*opening special * New asian Yoyo* huge boob * super sexy playful * 520-433-9310 * incall 24/7 * - 23
(Tucson, Tucson hotel 1 on 1 (south))
💎New To Town & Ready To Have A Great Time CALL HONEY 504 559 4791 - 20
(Tucson, tucson and surrounding areas)
-:¦:-°o ♥ MmM...TASTY... MiXed BEAUTY!! {$100 specials$} -:¦:-°o ♥ - 20
(E. Tucson IN/OUT Calls Ava. ($100 Spec.))