Mon 27 Jan
!╠╣∅T█ ♥ ▒ S—E— X—Y █ ♥ ▒ _B█ I▓ G█ B▒ ∅█ ∅▓ T█ Y▒ B█ E▓ A█ U▒ T█ Y▓ ♥ ▒ █ ♥ ▒ - 21
(Tucson, 29th & craycroft/ ur place)
WEDNESDAY SPECIAL! I LOVE to Kiss! Lets Play! GREAT LEGS!! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
TUESDAY SPECIAL!! I LOVE to Kiss! Lets Play! GREAT LEGS!! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
SPECIALS! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, SUBMISSIVE, Mature and Curvy With Great Legs!!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
Sexy, Mature, Thick and Submissive! Great Legs and Tits!! NEW PICS!! - 43
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, SUBMISSIVE, Mature and Curvy With Great Legs!!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
♥ ———*o*—— • available tonight •——*o*———— * * ——— BLUE EYED JENNA— *o*——— ♥ - 27
(Tucson, incall (29th and alvernon) or outcall)
ツ *✰* KIA✰* All Around aDDiCtiOn ツ INCALL & OUTCALL 100 Rose Special -36DD - 19
(Tucson, 29th & I-10)
In Phoenix!! I LOVE to KISS! Lets Play! GREAT LEGS!! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 43
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
~~**~~ I Dont Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All ~~**~~5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, 29th / s. 6th ave south tucson)
HottEsT blonde in town. In town till 5/2! ;) SpECials! Specials! - 22
(Tucson, Tucson incall/outcall)
Come See Me In PHOENIX! Great LEGS and TITS!! Lets Play! Submissive, Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 43
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
Dominican Barbie Ready !! ❤☑ Busty ❤☑ Sexy ❤☑ Curvy ❤☑ Visiting 36DDD Phat AZZ - 21
(Tucson, 29TH & CRYCROFT)
!╠╣∅T█ ♥ ▒ S—E— X—Y █ ♥ ▒ _B█ I▓ G█ B▒ ∅█ ∅▓ T█ Y▒ B█ E▓ A█ U▒ T█ Y▓ ♥ ▒ █ ♥ ▒ - 21
(Tucson, 29th & craycroft/ ur place)
Sun 12 Jan
SOMETHING SPECIAL! I LOVE TO KISS! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
THURSDAY SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature,Thick and Submissive! Great Legs and Tits!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
TUESDAY SPECIAL! I Love to KISS! ★MATURE★Sexy ★ Voluptuous ★ Beautiful ★ Great Legs ★ - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
FRIDAY SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature,Thick and Submissive! Great Legs and Tits!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
GEM SHOW SPECIAL! I LOVE to Kiss! Lets Play! GREAT LEGS!! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
Available NOW! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, SUBMISSIVE, Mature and Curvy With Great Legs!!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
SPECIAL! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with GREAT LEGS an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
Fri 10 Jan
FRIDAY SPECIAL! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with GREAT LEGS an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
Sexy, Mature, Thick and Submissive! Great Legs and Tits!! NEW PICS!! - 43
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, SUBMISSIVE, Mature and Curvy With Great Legs!!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
~~**~~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All lt ~~**~ 5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, 29th/s.6th ave)
TUESDAY SPECIAL! I Love to KISS! ★MATURE★Sexy ★ Voluptuous ★ Beautiful ★ Great Legs ★ - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
Thu 09 Jan
SATURDAY SPECIAL! I Love to KISS! ★MATURE★Sexy ★ Voluptuous ★ Beautiful ★ Great Legs ★ - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
Dominican Barbie Ready !! ❤☑ Busty ❤☑ Sexy ❤☑ Curvy ❤☑ Visiting 36DDD Phat AZZ - 21
(Tucson, 29TH & CRAYCROFT incall/outcall)
WEEKEND SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature & Curvy with Great Legs! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
SPECIAL! I LOVE TO KISS! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
SPECIAL! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with GREAT LEGS an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
SPECIAL! Lets Play! I LOVE to Kiss! Sexy, Submissive, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
MONDAY SPECIAL!! Lets Play! I LOVE to Kiss! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
HOLIDAY SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, SUBMISSIVE, Mature and Curvy With Great Legs!!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
HOLIDAY SPECIAL! I LOVE TO KISS! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
SPECIAL! Lets Play! I LOVE to Kiss! Sexy, Submissive, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
Available Friday, Saturday, Sunday -- Let's have some fun playtime together - 29
(East Side of Tucson)
Wed 08 Jan
In Phoenix for a Few Days!! Great LEGS and TITS!! Lets Play!!! Submissive, Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 43
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
Gone to Phoenix! See Me There! Great LEGS and TITS!! Lets Play! Submissive, Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 43
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
SPECIALS! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, SUBMISSIVE, Mature and Curvy With Great Legs!!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
SPECIAL! I LOVE TO KISS! Sexy,Submissive, Mature, Full Figured with an Open Mind! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
Tue 07 Jan
MARCH MADNESS Special! Lets Play! I LOVE to Kiss! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
TUESDAY SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature,Thick and Submissive! Great Legs and Tits!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
TUESDAY SPECIAL ! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature &Curvy; with Great Legs! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
GEM SHOW SPECIAL ! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature &Curvy; with Great Legs! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
GONE TIL MONDAY!! I Love to KISS! ★MATURE★Sexy ★ Voluptuous ★ Beautiful ★ Great Legs ★ - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
Available Tuesday through Friday 9am to 6pm -- Let's have some fun playtime together - 29
(Nicki St Philips)
RODEO SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature & Curvy with Great Legs! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
Mon 06 Jan
WEEKEND SPECIAL! I LOVE to Kiss! Lets Play! GREAT LEGS!! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
RODEO SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature & Curvy with Great Legs! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
Sun 05 Jan
Dominican Barbie Ready !! ❤☑ Busty ❤☑ Sexy ❤☑ Curvy ❤☑ Visiting 36DDD Phat AZZ - - 21
(Tucson, 29th & Craycroft)
WEEKEND SPECIAL! I LOVE to Kiss! Lets Play! GREAT LEGS!! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
TUESDAY SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature,Thick and Submissive! Great Legs and Tits!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
WEEKEND SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature & Curvy with Great Legs! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
TUESDAY SPECIAL!! I LOVE to Kiss! Lets Play! GREAT LEGS!! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
THURSDAY SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, Mature,Thick and Submissive! Great Legs and Tits!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
SATURDAY SPECIAL!! I LOVE to Kiss! Lets Play! GREAT LEGS!! Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
Sat 04 Jan