Mon 24 Feb
👅BB🅹💞🅶🅵🅴👅𝓝𝓾𝓻𝓾💞 520-273-0043,👅bbj lover no condom, 💦fetishes, 😈milk in the mouth, 💦come 🥰with me now my love 👅
(Tucson, US)
Fri 21 Feb
👅BB🅹💞🅶🅵🅴👅𝓝𝓾𝓻𝓾💞 520-273-0043,👅bbj lover no condom, 💦fetishes, 😈milk in the mouth, 💦come 🥰with me now my love 👅
(Tucson, US)
Mon 27 Jan
** Upscale Beauty ** Upscale Location ** 1st time special 140hr ** 253 232 9135 ** (NEW PICS) ** - 21
(Tucson, Eastside Incall/Outcall surrounding area)
......*TER * UPSCALE * gorgeous. intelligent. mistress of sensation. * UPSCALE * ......... - 27
(downtown, Tucson)
{{ S ---I ---M ---P ---L ---Y }} ____{{ A ---S ---T ---O ---N ---I ---S ---H ---I ---N ---G }} - 19
{{{{{{{{{{{ -------- NeW LaTiNa 0n ThE ScEnE Ms. Str@wBâ¬RRy Krâ¬@Mz --------- }}}}}}}}}}}}} - 22
(East Tucson / Grant St incall only.)
**LOWEST discounts on Backpage!!!** Bombshell latina (760) 272-8769 - 26
(Tucson, In call: alvernon/speedway)
Hot New girl working incall location here for 3 weeks. Real pics
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
((__ BOOK NOW__ ))__ __((__ EBONY AvAiLaBLe ToDaY__ ))__ __ (( __NEW * DOLLI *__ ))
Brand New Sweet Petite Treat Shannon more for the Buck Westgate 623 580 5004 Incall / Outcall 150 - 35
(WestGate / Scottsddale)
2 Hot Ladies Are ALWAYS Better Than 1! The East Valley Has NEVER Been This Much FUN! - 35
(East Valley-New Location)
[ 7OSp.] Ju§T Vi§iTiNg ° SXY HoT Choc0laT ❤DrOp DeaD GoRgeOu§ ❤ Nw VixXN - 19
(East Tucson in call local out call/Grant)
Sun 26 Jan
5 new girls🔵520-442-5905🔵sexy busty asian babe🔵young🔵open-minded🔵all u need🔵w-10
(Tucson VIP Service520-442-5905)
5 new girls🔵520-442-5905🔵sexy busty asian babe🔵young🔵open-minded🔵all u need🔵w-10
(Asian Full Service520-442-5905)
💋💋new store opening💖💋💋▂▃▊☎️520-304-6322☎️▊▃▂new pretty sexy girls▂▃▊100% plump&hot▊(🌟)
(4005 N Flowing Wells Rd,Tucson)
💋💋new store opening💖💋💋▂▃▊☎️520-304-6322☎️▊▃▂new pretty sexy girls▂▃▊100% plump&hot▊(🌟)
(4005 N Flowing Wells Rd,Tucson)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
**LOWEST discounts on Backpage!!!** Bombshell latina (206) 552-3754 - 26
(Tucson, In call: alvernon/speedway)
{7Osp 14OHOUR} H0T NeW T0piC C@N yOu T0P iT!! neW Pl@ym@Te 0N The Sc#Ne In CaLLs OuT c@LLs - 19
(East Tucson / Grant St incall local out.)
Happy 2011, gents!! Starting Thursday, I have a MidTown Location near the U of A. 150/hr - 29
(MidTown incall now -- Nicki St Philips)
Brand New West Valley ( West Gate ) and Scottsdale Location Madison M Paige 623 580 5004 - 36
Hot NeW ToPiC C@N YoU ToP iT [ MILITARY FRIENDLY] Simply Delicious have a BitE [ EAST TUCSON ] - 19
(Tanque Verde in call out call / tucson)
aRe YoU LooKiNg FoR aN uNFoRGeTTaBLe ex.X.xPeRieNCe ??? GOOGLE MY # for reviews and more pics - 30
(Tucson, Tucson *NEW LOCATION* Central)
Fri 10 Jan
* True Freak With a Hot Tub!! * And My Kinky Friend * 2 For 1 Special *MoVeD* nEw LoCaTiOn* - 32
(I-10 AND INA)
°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» SO ☆ °°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» FREAKIN ☆°°* HOT »-(¯`v´¯ - 23
(new location!!! OUTCALL/INCALLS)
☆☆ Brooklyn ☆ Full & Massage for Upscale Gents ☆☆ IN & OUTCALL- Home / Hotel☆ Please Pre-Book - 26
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Pheonix, Phoenix, Prescott, Tucson)
❌⭕️ SEXY SASHA 💋 MEGA SPEcIALZ ! TexT NOW 💋 Pics 100% Current & ReaL❌⭕️ - 31
(Tucson, Pima and Alvernon)
☆☆ Brooklyn ☆ Full & Massage for Upscale Gents ☆☆ IN & OUTCALL- Home / Hotel☆ Please Pre-Book - 26
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Pheonix, Phoenix, Prescott, Tucson)
* True Freak With a Hot Tub!! * And My Kinky Friend * 2 For 1 Special *MoVeD* nEw LoCaTiOn* - 32
(I-10 AND INA)
Super S.e.n.s.u.a.l persian playmate Absolutly stunning with exceptional services In&Outcalls; - 21
(Tucson, TucsaN incalls&outcalls;)
Thu 09 Jan
✨NasTy •☆ uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγMαtε╚ ➜YOUR #1 CHOICE (POOH)★ 💯%REAl - 35
(In or out call, Phoenix, Phx North, Tucson)
*.* ___ »- (¯` v ´¯) -»Blonde Beauity Ready To Play In Call Special's ___ »- (¯` v ´¯) -» * .* - 23
❌⭕️ SEXY SASHA 💋❗️❗️TEXT ME NOW❗️❗️💋 Pics 100% Current and Real!!❌⭕️ - 31
(Tucson, Pima and Alvernon)
** Upscale Beauty ** Upscale Location ** 1st time special 140hr ** 253 232 9135 ** (NEW PICS) ** - 21
(Tucson, Eastside Incall/Outcall surrounding area)
Wed 08 Jan
✨Its FiNaLLy FriDaY❗❕❗StArt YoUr WeeKeNd OFF RiGhT❗ 42DD CurVaCioUs EbOnY BeaUty✨👉$60 SpEciAls❕👈 - 20
(Tucson, All Tucson, INCALLS/OUTCALLS❕)
"Need A Quick Fix? Sexy Mixed Ebony Available All Nite Long!!! -w4m - 28
(Near I-10 freeway/valleywide oc)