Fri 07 Mar
🔵🔵100% sexy girl🔵🔵520-248-7693🔵🔵🔵🔵Sweet and sexy Girl🔵🔵🔵🔵Best Service🔵🔵💖💖
(3100 N Stone Ave Ste 122, Tucson, AZ 85705)
Mon 27 Jan
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Upscale Exotic mixed cute booty addiction❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 26
(oro valley east side west all tucson, Tucson)
This is oNe ~*~Mercedes~*~u will Luv 2 text drive !!!!!! 2 girls Avail !!!!!! - 21
(Stone / speedway)
***Treat Yourself Sweetie**** 2 the ULTIMATE EXPERIANCE with a girl that LUVS 2 play!!! - 21
(Stone / speedway)
U-N-L-I-M-I- T-E-D ________ P-L-E-A-S-U-R-E ______ Mied Beauty !!!!!!!!!! 2 GIRLS AVAIL - 19
(Stone / speedway)
()() THE )()()()()( PERFECT )()()()()( CHOICE )()()()()( Beautiful LaTiNa )< - 22
(Stone / speedway)
~*~Sweet ~*~ Sexy ~*~ LaTiNa ~*~ Best iNcaLL specials N town !!!!!!!!! A MUST SEE - 21
(Stone / speedway)
SuPeR sExy DOMiNicAn PRInCeSs...$100 sPeCiAls AlDay...NeWyEarS eVe spEcIal.. - 25
(Tucson, Stone n speedway)
(Tucson, Speedway and Stone Incall/ Outcall Avail)
~~~**~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Pronise To Give It My All ~~*~ New #5205514600 - 30
(Tucson, speedway/ stone ave downtown)
~~**~~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All lt ~~**~~ new # 5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, speedway/ stone ave downtown)
* * I Don't Claim Perfection ! But I Do Promise To Give It My All ! * * New # 5204959346 - 30
Blonde Goddess⭐ 💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎 Sexy Body😘💎💋 BeauTiIFuL FaCe 💕 CLaSSY 💕 💚🎀💚36DDD's - 26
(Tucson, Speedway and Stone Incall/ Outcall Avail)
Back by POPULAR DEMAND!!! »»» Tall Busty Auburn Beauty ««« 6'1 with 40DDs!!! - 27
(Tucson, Stone & Speedway)
Sexy and Uninhibited Girl Up Late,Well reviewed,Nw Incall Specials tonite only! - 26
(Tucson, Stone n Grant)
Sun 26 Jan
💖✴💚✴💜✴💙5205355722✴💖✴💚✴💜✴💙✴💖✴💚✴💜✴💙new young amazing asian girls✴💖✴💚✴💜✴💙grand opening ✴💖✴💚✴💜✴💙 - 23
(6330 E golf links rd #114)
✅✅✅✅✅✅520-248-7693🔥🔥🔥new sexy charming girls🟥⭐🟥hot body magic touch🧿🧿🧿men’s top choice🟥⭐🟥clean pure nice friendly🧿🧿🧿
(3100 N Stone Ave # 122 Tucson)
🔴🟠🟡🟢520-248-7693👅💦👅new sexy pretty young girls🔴🟠🟡🟢hot body👅💦👅top service🔴🟠🟡🟢soft skin👅💦👅best in town🔴🟠🟡🟢
(3100 N Stone Ave # 122 Tucson)
✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅520-248-7693🔥🔥🔥new sexy charming girls✅✅✅hot body magic touch🧿❤️🧿men’s top choice🔥🔥🔥clean pure nice friendly🧿❤️🧿
(3100 N Stone Ave # 122 Tucson)
💋💋💋💋520-248-7693🔥💥✅💕new asian girls: nice body✅🔥🔥beautiful face ✅🔥🔥amazing touch✅💥🔥🔥soft skin✅💥🔥🔥top service✅💥🔥🔥
(3100 N Stone Ave # 122 Tucson)
🔥🔥🔥520-248-7693✅✅✅✅new sexy sweet young girls🔥🔥🔥hot body✅✅✅✅amazing touch🔥🔥🔥super beautiful✅✅✅✅clean & safe🔥🔥🔥
(3100 N Stone Ave # 122 Tucson)
Sun 12 Jan
BruNette_____ BoMb$heLL____ gReAt Attitude_____ LottA Fun ((( 2 girls also avail ))) - 19
(Stone / speedway)
Sat 11 Jan
•°o♥o°•★☆ [•♥•[ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E- •♛!★☆•°o♥ - - 22
~ Monday night Out call special;~~ $150 Let me Come FREAK withYou ~~~~ - 40
Voted #1 in "Sin City" come see why ((( GREAT special ))) 2 hOT SEXI GiRLS READY 2 PLZ - 19
(Stone / speedway)
U-N-L-I-M-I- T-E-D ________ P-L-E-A-S-U-R-E ______ Mied Beauty !!!!!!!!!! 2 GIRLS AVAIL - 19
(Stone / speedway)
•★ •///◘• ★ •///◘ •♥•//~●~• TEMPTATIONIONAL ~• TREAT-MENT •~●~ //•♥ •///◘• ★ •///◘ •★• - - 23
(Tucson, stone n ft.lowell)
Fri 10 Jan
♡♡☆☆ What are You waiting for baby, come join me in some exotic adult fun♡☆♡*°°**Av@!lAbLe Now**°° - 25
(Tucson, stone ave)
TODAY ONLY-ALL NEW PICS ✅✅ VERiFiED✅✅((available NOW)) **Charming ((Southern Belle)) - 23
(Speedway&stone;* INCALLS, Tucson)
((( End YOUR weekend the RIGHT way! ))) >>> Your ALL ! Don't be shy! 6'1 with 40DDs!!!!!!! - 27
(Tucson, Stone & Speedway/IC)
ŠW€€T AŠ §UGAR S€X¥ AS H€LL •Outcall & Late nite incall $PECLs • Beautiful BLONDE Bombshell Real Pix - 21
(Tucson, Speedway/i10 (STONE) Tucson)
(. V. ) No __ OnE__ HaS __ H( . )( . )TERS __ LiKe __ ThEsE! ___ new#5209814383 - 30
(Tucson, grant/stone)
Back in town until Thurs. 5 star playmate...fetish friendly 373-4721 60 special quick visit - 31
***Treat Yourself Sweetie**** 2 the ULTIMATE EXPERIANCE with a girl that LUVS 2 play!!! - 21
(Stone / speedway)
* * I Don't Claim Perfection ! But I Do Promise To Give It My All ! * * Super busty Maci - 30
(grant/stone Ave)
()() THE )()()()()( PERFECT )()()()()( CHOICE )()()()()( Beautiful LaTiNa )< - 22
(Stone / speedway)
Sweet~*~ Sexy~*~ and alot of FUN!!!!!! $pecial $pecial $pecial ~*~ A MUST SEE - 19
(Stone / speedway)
Thu 09 Jan
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Finally Here FOR THOSE who have been WAITING AND ANTICIPATING GREATNESS❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 26
(Flagstaff, outcall. All over., Phoenix, Sierra Vista, Tucson, West Valley)
We're BringIN "Las Vegas" 2 "Tucson"~*~ U can Have ONE, TWO or THREE GIRLS!!!!!!!!!! W0W - 22
(Stone / speedway)
*~*SuNDaY FuNDaY with Phoenix's ReViEwEd BIG BOOTY white girl. 24HouRs OnLy*~* - 25
(Tucson, Incalls ONLY: Stone and Drachman)
~*~Sweet ~*~ Sexy ~*~ LaTiNa ~*~ Best iNcaLL specials N town !!!!!!!!! A MUST SEE - 22
(Stone / speedway)
((( S - A - T - I - S - F - A - C - T - I - O - N G - U - A - R - A - N - T - E - E - D ))) - 27
(Tucson, Stone & Speedway/IC)
~*~Sweet ~*~ Sexy ~*~ Pleasure ~*~ Best iNcaLL specials N town !!!!!!!!! A MUST SEE - 21
(Stone / speedway)
Wed 08 Jan
BruNette_____ BoMb$heLL____ gReAt Attitude_____ LottA Fun ((( 2 girls also avail ))) - 19
(Stone / speedway)
💋💕💋Fresh New Booty on Duty 🌟Californias Finest💎No One Better💘 Come and Get It💓I Am Waiting - 20
(Tucson, n stone ave)
FRIDAY ONLY-ALL NEW PICS ✅✅ VERiFiED✅✅((available 2-7PM)) **Charming ((Southern Belle)) - 23
(Speedway&stone;* INCALLS, Tucson)
>>> T.G.I.F >>> Tallest Provider on BP >>> 40DDs >>> Don't be shy! - 27
(Tucson, Stone & Speedway/IC)
•★ •///◘• ★ •///◘ •♥•//~●~• TEMPTATIONIONAL ~• TREAT-MENT •~●~ //•♥ •///◘• ★ •///◘ •★• - - 23
(Tucson, stone n ft.lowell)
Sweet~*~ Sexy~*~ and alot of FUN!!!!!! $pecial $pecial $pecial ~*~ A MUST SEE - 19
(Stone / speedway)
~~ Exotic Provider... SeXy Jade. ~Mixed Goddess~ ((((((High Class Playmate.... VIP SERVICE))))). ~~ - 22
Tue 07 Jan
~*~Sweet ~*~ Sexy ~*~ Pleasure ~*~ Best iNcaLL specials N town !!!!!!!!! A MUST SEE - 21
(Stone / speedway)
***** Its Early Babe... Let me start your day SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS!!! ***** - 19
(Stone / speedway)
➡COME SEE ME⬅ ☑ VERiFiED❌⭕❌⭕((AVAILABLE tomorrow)) 🔆Charming😍Southern Belle🔔 - 23
(Speedway&stone;* INCALLS, Tucson)